Pray that I am among the first eye-witnesses and whistleblowers testifying in favor of the indictment. Blessings to you and the prosecuting AGs. 😉

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Dr. Len, you are 100% correct as your documented evidence in '86 Aids, Ebola... illustrated. The wheels of justice grind slowly but verily do they grind.

The time for retribution has arrived... Fraud exposure is a daily occurance on a scale that cannot be overstated. At least 17 states Attorney Generals are hot on the Fauster's trail...

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He was PARDONED! There is nothing that can be done. Maybe for HIV but not Covaids.

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That is contestable since contracts based on fraud are VOID ab initio. Plus Biden/Obama acted as a Racketeering Enterprise. Wire fraud is one predicate act enabling a RICO claim.

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One way to "do something"-


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remember when people used to scoff at the idea of "VAIDS"?

Now we see immune changes related to CD4 & CD8 T cells as well as spike protein freely circulating as long as 1,521 DAYS post-injection... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/vaids-confirmed-the-mrna-injections

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Is Wendy Williams being locked up because of her position on the Vaxx? She is under an Orwellian guardianship and is prevented from communicating with the general public as a new jab is being introduced.

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