The Science of Jesus’ Miraculous Healing Power.
“Bio-spiritual Dynamics” of “Therapeutic Touch,” and How Faithful Loving Intention Conveys the “‘LOVE 528’ Frequency” of Restorative Energy.
(Substack; November 11, 2024) Healthcare workers and disease sufferers are schooled in the science of Jesus’ miraculous healing practices in a new physics article by celebrity doctor, Leonard G. Horowitz, explaining the “bio-spiritual dynamics” of therapeutic touch, and how faithful loving intention conveys the restorative energy in a special “LOVE 528 Frequency.”
At a time when the world needs more love, peace and healing miracles, award-winning Dr. Horowitz explains how and why the “528 Frequency” of sound and light is fundamental to the natural healing arts and sciences, and how electromagnetic, bio-acoustic, and “epigenetic resonance” underlies healthcare’s miracles.
Certified by peer review in Acta Scientific Physics Journal, experts from Russia affirmed the American doctor’s scientific review and analysis explaining why independent researchers and clinicians worldwide are finding the sound and green light of “528 frequency” therapeutic.
The religious world attributes this healing energy to the “Holy Spirit.” Prompting a practical revival of faith in God as modeled by Jesus’ miraculous healing power, Dr. Horowitz concludes the long sought super-human “key of the house of David,” heralded in old and new testament Bible prophecies to save the world from despair (Isaiah 22:22 and Rev. 3: 6-8), must be the “528 frequency” of green light broadcast by chlorophyll in plants and algae producing oxygen—the “breath of life”—that is essential to yoga practitioners, “breatharians,” and the Holy Spiritual renewal prophesied to heal and deliver peace to the planet. This great hope is prayerfully held by all Western and Eastern theologies and religions. The doctor believes this intelligence can set nations on a path to enduring peace.
The doctor’s scientific review and analysis demystifies how and why healthcare workers, especially nurses and physical therapists, are achieving miraculous, heretofore unexplained, benefits applying this intelligence in prayerful practices.
What the religious world calls “spirituality,” Dr. Horowitz explains, is, likewise, based on “heart energy.” The “Holy Spirit” in Western religions, believed to administer miraculous healings, is akin to the “Chi” energy or “Life Force” in Eastern theologies that performs similarly.
“This healing energy is erroneously considered ‘supernatural,’” Dr. Horowitz objects. “It is actually completely natural. This scientific intelligence, or ‘higher consciousness,’ contrasts sharply with naysayers’ disabling and damaging dogmas.”
As detailed in the doctor’s extensive scientific review, “therapeutic touch” involves multidisciplinary science that intertwines spirituality, biology, and medicine, leveraging “biophysics, water resonance, frequency coherence, epigenetics, and the little known influence of ‘musical-mathematics’ forming the ‘matrix’ of ‘universal design’ expressed throughout nature and human bodies.”
In this multidisciplinary context, the use of therapeutic touch by health professionals, disease sufferers, and their loved ones, can produce miraculous healings. These revelations and recommendations are most timely in a world needing widespread healing and good news.
Dr. Horowitz is a Tufts University and Harvard-trained Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas International, Inc.’ He is the award-winning author of more than two dozen books and documentary films, including the Amazon/Kindle best-sellers Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse and Spiritual Warfare, Salvation & Survival in the Age of Chaos.
Medical Veritas International, Inc. is a 501(c) non-profit company devoted to educating the public concerning myriad risks and remedial strategies.
To read the published peer-reviewed physics article link to:
Science Explains Jesus’ Healing Power · Medical Veritas Inc.
"Judge ye not, lest ye be judged." The false teaching is yours. Ignorance is not bliss nor righteous. It is deadly. Read the books on the subject before falsely condemning God’s revelations. I await your apology.
The Holy Spirit of the Bible is not 528 hz or any other frequency of the universe; this is
false teaching; it appears that our Creator, through the Holy Spirit created all things